Welcome to

Spice it up with Saga


To know me is to know that I get the greatest joy out of feeding people with any one of my delicious, spicy dishes!

Growing up an Arab-American woman, I find that food truly can bring people together – and sometimes the way to someone’s heart is truly through their stomach!

In this web site you can explore my background, my travels, my TV show, “Spice It Up With Saga”,  recipes and more.

So get your pita bread out and get ready to dip into my world!  So yaa-laa!


The Show

With the ever-changing request for cooking up a tasty and healthy meal, everyone is looking to “Spice It Up” a bit – so, how do you do that? The secret is in the spices!

“Spice It Up With Saga” is a show that teaches you how to create exciting Arabic food with a simple and sassy method of preparation – hosted by your truly, Saga!

Learn the wild and wonderful ways to create masterpiece meals that make your dinner guests think you spent years studying at the Cordon Bleu in Paris!  Not to mention, you won’t have to overspend or slave away in the kitchen to serve up something that will satisfy everyone’s wide-ranged palette.

We’re Americans, and we live in a diverse community. Why not taste the new flavors and learn about the various cultures right in your own home? Add a dash of this and sprinkle of that, a little food décor and viola! A meal is born!

Stay tuned – “Spice it Up With Saga” is coming soon.
